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God has truly blessed this ministry through the partnership of many who faithfully stand with us.

Prayer Partner

Lead Nations welcome all people of God to commit to pray few minutes daily on behalf of the mission work we do. If you commit yourself to pray for us by contacting us on the contact section, we will send you updates of the missions we do.


We also want to ask, “How can we pray for you?” We are confident and blessed to know God hears the prayers of His children, so it would be our privilege to join you in prayer for the things that matter most to you and your loved ones. Please send us your prayer concerns on the contact section. Do let us know when you receive a miracle. We will praise God along with you.

Mission Partner

Lead Nations' vision is to see godly leaders in all nations. Therefore we are committed to training and equipping the people of God through teaching different important subjects on Biblical Leadership. Biblical Leadership is based on the Life of Jesus Christ. This leadership is not acquired or not a position based leadership. This leadership is a result of people’s lives being impacted through the life of a person who is imitating Jesus Christ. This person is not a leader because of his or her desire, but because of people choosing to follow him or her.


Mission partnership is formed when any church or Christian organization invites us to come and train their pastors and leaders of all levels in the church and organization. This training can be done in the form of classes (conducted once in 3 or 4 months for a period of 2 years), seminars or camps. The focus is on church health. If you wish to invite us, please fill in the details on the contact session. We will get in touch with you.

Financial Partner

We at Lead Nations truly believe that our God shall meet all our needs. This becomes a reality when people of God are led or inspired by the Holy Spirit to financial support the mission work we do. Remember that you are not supporting us. You are getting involved in the mission of the Lord.


We believe that you have taken some time to read on this website the work God is doing through us. Honestly, we do not have any big human sponsors. We love our monthly donors though there are just a couple of them. They help us plan efficiently the mission for every month. They’re the backbone of our work, faithfully committing to give what they can every month to make our ministry possible. We pray many will understand the work we do and financially stand with us in seeing Healthy Biblical Leaders around the world. If every pastor was healthy, we would be having healthy churches around the world. You can make this happen.


If you are interested in financial supporting the mission work, God is doing through us, please fill in the details on the contact section. We will get in touch with you.

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